Boston Personal Training at Ripple takes the guesswork out of your exercise

Figuring out what to do in the gym is confusing.


Every day you plan to exercise. You’ve got an hour blocked off — no kids no work just an hour free to workout and relieve some stress for the day. But, what do you do? You’re sick of the peloton, every time you run you get hurt, and have no idea what to do in a gym. So — you do nothing.

Be the best at what you love to do

  • Boston Personal Training

    Find out where you are now

    Knowing your baseline is extremely important. Start with a FREE fitness assessment with one of our highly trained personal trainers. They’ll take your exercise history, what you’re training for, and how you move to create a tailored plan to get you where you want to be.

  • Boston Personal Training

    Train for your lifestyle

    Never have a day go by where you’re guessing about what to do for exercise. Meet with your coach 2 or 3 times weekly, and then receive workouts for the other days through our mobile app. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or to play with your grandkids in the yard you need to consistently train for it.

  • Boston Personal Training

    Be the best at what you do

    Personal training gives you the tools and confidence to be the best at what you do. Train for the ski season and fly by everyone down the mountain because of your tailored exericse program.

Boston Personal Training

Be the best at your sport. No more being left behind.

There’s that one sport or activity that you get a little too competitive at. Whether it’s running a 5k with work friends, or competing for the local golf championship personal training gives you the edge you need to be the best. Getting there starts in the gym.

Boston Personal Training

"​As I got into my mid-thirties, I began to experience more injuries that kept me off the field. My performance, in general, was also noticeably suffering. Jeremy created a customized plan for me, catered to the activities I wanted to improve in. In addition to supervised workouts, he provided me with an easy-to-follow program that I could do on my own at my own gym. Over my time with him, I have dropped around thirty pounds, but most importantly, I have played the last two seasons injury-free."

-David C.

What do you need help with?

Even Olympic athletes have someone write their workouts up for them. No matter how accountable you are, everyone needs a coach. Let us know what you’re training for, where you are now, and where you want to be!